Unleash Your Heritage: Engage a Skilled Genealogist to Overcome Research Barriers Today!

By | November 30, 2023

Given that most of us are currently staying at home, this is an unbeatable time to dive into detailed research. Take advantage of the resources at your disposal, such as online databases. Meanwhile, think about engaging a professional genealogy team to help overcome your research obstacles.

Over time, I have sought the help of professionals in tackling challenging areas, and it has proven beneficial almost every time. For the past 35 years, I have engaged professionals to manage the Salt Lake Christmas Tour. These individuals are worth enlisting whenever the timing is appropriate, which could be now.

In writing this, I am responding to recurring approaches by friends at Trace. This year, I had the chance to catch up with their CEO, Wesley Eames, at the RootsTech conference (Trace occupied that imposing booth in the SE corner of the exhibition hall). I was again highly taken with their approach to professional research. Trace employs a network of over 4000 professional genealogists and subject matter experts across over 90 countries with access to over 2000 archives and repositories. You might find it interesting to note the five most popular non-US locations where Trace clients conduct research, namely Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. Click on the accompanying links or image for more details.

For a brief period, GenealogyBlog readers can avail of a specialized review of their research at a discounted rate of $99 (which is $51 less than the standard rate of $150). This special offer, available only to GenealogyBlog readers, will end on the upcoming Monday, May 25. So, fill out the simple form to begin. However, you might want to familiarize yourself with why it’s beneficial to hire a professional genealogist. Be aware that some of the following content is not entirely in my own words, but I fully endorse every statement made, irrespective of its source.

Why Hiring A Genealogist Makes Sense
Engaging a genealogist can be a smart move, particularly when your enthusiasm and determination are clouded by frustration and setbacks. If access to local records, translation of foreign language documents, or interpretation of DNA results are issues for you, it might be time to get professional help. Even if you are well-versed in genealogical research, hiring a genealogist can be a valuable step if you are short of time or financial resources. In fact, hiring a genealogist can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

Time is Money
The pursuit of family research can be all-encompassing, especially when dealing with unindexed records, or historical documents written in a foreign language or ancient script. Professional genealogists, who specialize in particular subjects or geographical areas, are familiar with varied sources that less experienced researchers might miss. As readers are aware, I am always short of time. A modest expenditure can help keep things moving even when I am swamped with my publishing responsibilities. The same applies to you. Here’s another way to consider it. Certain projects might require 4 years and 1200 hours of your personal time versus $1200 and 4 months of a professional’s time.

Brick Walls
“I’ve hit a brick wall and I need help” – this is a common expression among us when trying to construct accurate timelines or verify family relationships. Such stumbling blocks are not uncommon and can be addressed with the help of a professional who can either get literal boots on the ground or bring a fresh perspective. Keeping your research focused and accurate may require an expert’s trained eye. A professional genealogist has the requisite knowledge and experience to solve difficult puzzles. Letting a fresh pair of eyes systematically examine your stumbling block can often bring new information to light. Professional genealogists are skilled at validating research handed down by family members or checking your personal work. Not only can they make fresh findings, but they also have the training (using the Genealogical Proof Standard) to assess and interpret existing evidence, which could potentially lead to fresh insights. They have experience of working with specific information across a variety of record types spanning different time periods.

Digital Resources Can Only Get You So Far
While technological advances and online genealogical databases have greatly expanded public access to census and other vital records over the past 20 years, it’s incorrect to assume that what’s not online must not exist. In reality, only a small fraction of records are available online compared to those that are stored in local or state repositories. In some cases, onsite access to original records is the only way to find the information needed. This process requires time and travel and can be costly in terms of time and money. It is usually more cost-effective to hire a local professional researcher. A local researcher has an intimate knowledge of the records and locations likely to hold the key to your research query. At Trace, we work with a diverse group of vetted genealogists who can help individuals obtain records from anywhere around the globe, including Europe, South America, Australia, and the United States. Hiring a local professional to locate necessary information is usually more cost-effective than taking time off work and shouldering travel expenses to do the research yourself. Local professional researchers have the added advantage of knowing the language and understanding local customs and laws. They are also aware of the fluidity of boundaries due to wars and political disputes. In certain countries, various languages may have been spoken over time, influencing the languages used in the records. Navigating these variables can be daunting while trying to gather genealogical data. Relying on a professional can help you understand the language, customs and conventions of a particular region or era.

Genetic genealogy is a rapidly evolving field, and the vast majority of us are unsure about how to interpret our results. My company, Family Roots Publishing, markets several guides to understand DNA research. Nevertheless, it’s not easy! Knowing how to merge scientific with historical documentation often presents a challenge for those of us who are passionate about genealogy. Genetic genealogists have the training to use your DNA data to help solve your genealogical puzzles. As genetic genealogy requires a distinctive skill set from traditional genealogical research, it may be worth consulting an expert to establish kinship.

Trace offers custom-tailored projects at custom prices, reducing the risk associated with hiring unknown genealogists potentially located thousands of miles away. This efficient approach ensures you are directed towards the most qualified researchers who can identify relatives, locate documents, and verify relationships. Instead of imposing a managed process, Trace emphasizes a mentorship approach, akin to a Sherpa carrying your luggage up a mountain rather than a concierge suggesting nightlife activities. To explore the costs and process of hiring a professional researcher, visit Trace.com.

Once again, I’ve secured an exclusive deal for my readers. To kick off your personal genealogy research project, you just need to complete a brief form detailing how Trace can help.

Upon submission, a seasoned professional specifically chosen based on your needs will reach out to you. This expert will review your family history research and propose a customized research plan to effectively address your problem. For a limited time, GenealogyBlog readers can avail of this personalized review at a discounted fee of $99 ($51 savings from the usual charge of $150).

Remember, this special price of $99 is exclusive to GenealogyBlog readers and will end next Monday, May 25. Complete the brief form to get started.

In conclusion, if you have ever wished for expert assistance with your family history research but were unsure where to look or concerned about the cost, Trace can help. Trace provides an uncomplicated and affordable solution to your genealogical puzzles by leveraging their unique network of over 4000 genealogy professionals who have access to over 2000 archives and repositories across more than 90 countries worldwide. There is nothing to lose and ancestors to discover. Take a minute to complete Trace’s brief form today and further your family history.

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